Explore Mangroves
Explore Mangroves
Black Sand Kayaks is conveniently located at the “Embarcadero Cocalito” in El Paredon, halfway between the village of El Naranjo and the town of Sipacate. Its the perfect vantage point to set off on your next kayaking adventure!

Very much like an island, El Paredon is surrounded entirely by water. Its a real end-of-the road kind of place. You can reach Black Sand Kayaks boathouse, within a 5 minute walk from most hotels or accommodations in El Paredon.
With an area of roughly 2000 hectares, spanning east to west along the south facing coast, the Sipacate-Naranjo Nature Reserve offers white, black and red mangrove forests. Its roughly 20kms long and 1 km wide. The beaches are breeding grounds for several endangered turtle species including the Olive Ridley, Green Galapagos Turtle, Leatherback Turtle and Hawksbill Turtle. Iguanas and fresh water turtles can also be found, occasionally there are crocodile sightings too!
Over 90 bird species can be seen such as Pelicans, Nesting Herons, Cormorants, Anhingas, Kingfishers, Magnificent Frigate Birds, Ibises, Plovers, Dotterels, Ospreys, Hawks, Seagulls, Roseate Spoonbills amongst many others! The Sipacate – Naranjo Nature Reserve is on a migration path to several endangered birds such as Pied-billed Grebe, Brown Pelicans, Great White Herons, Snowy Egrets, Little Blue Herons, Tricolored Herons and Black-necked Stilts.